110 Volt Electrical Dynamic Sampler

This unique 110-volt electric dynamic sampling rig was specifically designed to access internal sites, to remove fume issues. The unit is plugged into the mains through a 110-volt transformer. It is ideal for quick, shallow, unconsolidated ground investigations, where access through standard doors and fumes could be problematic.

Drilling depths for this machine vary depending on geology but is generally used for overburden sampling of unconsolidated material to depths of 6m. With the correct geology, it can achieve greater depths.

To ensure full health and safety compliance, all locations will be subject to an initial CAT and Genny survey as standard prior to drilling. In addition, a 1.2m hand dug pit will be excavated to establish service clearance.

This rig is capable of Standard Penetration Tests – SPT and SPT(C) and Dynamic Probing (DP) to current British Standards and EC7. This allows for the easy installation of standpipes, gas / water monitoring tubes or other instrumentation, within the restrictions of the borehole diameter.